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Peak Performance

This category contains 519 posts

Excellence in the Cold

Anyone can train when the circumstances are right. Champions train no matter what the circumstances are.

Obama As Sport Psychologist

The president’s remarks at Pearl Harbor sound very much like the ones sport psychologists use to help athletes perform at their best.

There’s No Such Thing as 2017

Sounds like the year 2017 has its hands full. The ball in Times Square hadn’t even dropped, and millions were looking to the new year to clean up the mess of 2016. That’s a lot of responsibility to heap on a recent arrival. Don’t make the mistake of counting on 2017, for the simple reason […]

Stop Bashing 2016!

Are you hating on 2016? Granted, it brought lots of loss. But it also gave you 366 chances to live this truth: Life isn’t what happens to you. It’s how you react to what happens to you.

Why Election Day Is Like Game 7 of the World Series

Anyone who thinks they’ve got the election won better beware. Anything can happen in Game 7 or an Election Day.

Are Big Offers No Longer Coming Your Way?

If business in your field has slowed down, chances are you’ve tried familiar strategies. You’ve reached out for new clients, checked back with old ones. You’ve increased your marketing. Still, no big offers come in. What gives? When big offers stop coming your way, it may have nothing to do with your clients or the […]

Why Jordan Spieth Will Bounce Back

Even after experiencing disaster on a world-wide stage, golfer Jordan Spieth showed an indispensable quality of a champion.

Daniel Murphy and “The Zone”

Daniel Murphy of the New York Mets is offering baseball fans a glimpse of a player performing in “the Zone.”

The Lesson of “Undercover Boss”

No matter what their business, the executives on “Undercover Boss” are looking for great attitudes.

The First Step in Building Your Mental Game

Just as everyone has different levels of physical skill, so it is with mental skills like confidence and focus. You can’t use a one-size-fits-all approach to mental training.