A productive practice and hitting all three of your rings on your Apple watch come down to the same thing.
You can create a legacy for the ages by caring a bit more for others and a little less about yourself.
A chaotic personal life aside, John Barrymore can teach all of us how to practice for greatness. His performance as Hamlet proves it.
James Bond movies may be fun to watch, but don’t be misled by his skill.
A simple trip to the store can tell you a lot about what you value.
Routine tasks demand uncommon focus.
Edison’s real gift may have been identifying things that could be improved.
Sometimes cause and effect are not what they seem. If you want to improve, it’s important to know the difference.
For great performers, close is not enough. They use passion, preparation, effort, focus and feedback to get it right.
Drafted with high hopes in April, cut in August. That’s the reality for Jachai Polite, taken by the Jets in the third round of the NFL draft. This story in the New York Post explores the how and why of Polite’s fall. Polite came to the Jets via a 68th-overall pick, a move that now […]