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Working Smart

This category contains 679 posts

Practice Lessons from an Apple Watch

A productive practice and hitting all three of your rings on your Apple watch come down to the same thing.

Demi Moore, the Rolling Stones and Your Legacy

You can create a legacy for the ages by caring a bit more for others and a little less about yourself.

What Bond Movies Get Wrong

James Bond movies may be fun to watch, but don’t be misled by his skill.

Does What You Are Doing Matter?

Sometimes cause and effect are not what they seem. If you want to improve, it’s important to know the difference.

Does Close Really Count in Horseshoes?

For great performers, close is not enough. They use passion, preparation, effort, focus and feedback to get it right.

When It’s Not Enough to Just Learn

If you’re going to improve in your line of work, your question can’t be, “How long is practice?” Your question must be “How deep is practice?”

What Your GPS Can Teach You

Your GPS has no ego. That makes it the perfect student and teacher.

Marshmallows and Pro Drafts

A simple test given to 4-year-olds predicts success in life.

When a Hire Just Doesn’t Work Out

Of the millions of hires made each year, some people just never fit in, others get sick and can’t deliver, and still others wind up as little performers with big resumes.

What’s Your Response to Criticism?

Everyone gets criticized one time or another. But when you’re attacked, it helps to have a sense of worth that comes from having accomplished things.