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Mind-Body Training

This category contains 248 posts

Practice Lessons from an Apple Watch

A productive practice and hitting all three of your rings on your Apple watch come down to the same thing.

What Bond Movies Get Wrong

James Bond movies may be fun to watch, but don’t be misled by his skill.

What Your GPS Can Teach You

Your GPS has no ego. That makes it the perfect student and teacher.

What Successful Teams Have More Than Anything Else

Team culture means everything., maybe even more than the coaching.

Excellence in the Cold

Anyone can train when the circumstances are right. Champions train no matter what the circumstances are.

U.S. Open Golfers: Shut Up and Play

U.S. Open golfers are already complaining about the Chambers Bay course. Umm, should it be easy?

Motivation by the Numbers: 18

What the Number 18 says about you.

Motivation by the Numbers: 200,000

Do think writing a book would be hard? Imagine if the only part of your body you could move was one eyelid.

What Makes Jordan Spieth Great

Greatness comes from the ability to sustain passion over a long period of time toward the same goal.

Jordan Spieth’s Huge Problem

In this digital age, we have new ways of measuring fame. Example: To Google Jordan Spieth, you need type in only a “J” and his name will pop up. That’s what happens when you win the Masters in runaway fashion, tying the record held by Tigers Woods. Now Spieth has a big problem. He must […]