“Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.”
We’ve hit a rainy spell here in the Northeast, with people reacting in a variety of ways.
Yesterday I heard someone complaining. A few minutes later, I saw some people out on the golf course, doing just fine in the rain. And a few minutes after that, I saw a soccer game in progress.
The same rain that led someone to complain did nothing to interfere with golfing and soccer.
This leads to a formula:
The more passion you have for what you’re doing, the less important circumstances become.
Let me ask you a question: How would you like to spend your time hauling supplies up and down a mountain in Alaska? People did it willingly — even joyfully — when they were hunting for gold. James Michener tells the story in the book “Alaska.” They were so focused on the possible rewards that they joyfully did things that they otherwise would never have dreamt of doing.
The same principle applies in coaching. There will always be problems, challenges, obstacles. At times you’ll have to deal with subpar equipment, low budgets, helicopter parents, poor facilities, and bad attitudes. But the same formula will apply:
The more passion you have for what you’re doing, the less important circumstances become.
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