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Beating the Odds

What Basketball Taught Bobby Hurley

With 25 state titles and a spot in the basketball Hall of Fame, Bobby Hurley has helped countless youngsters learn the game.

But he’s learned, too. He talks about it in his book, “Chasing Perfect.”

“Here’s what I learned from the game of basketball early on: if you kept at it, you got better. If you kept firing up those fadeaway shots from the corner of Paul Lenzo’s court, they’d start to fall more often than not. If something was difficult at first, you could make it easier if you worked at it; you could figure it out as you went along.” Paul Lenzo, by the way, was a friend who invited Hurley to shoot baskets on his driveway. Hurley took him up on the offer.

Simple yet profound. If you practice — really practice — you get better. That’s not just for stars. It’s for anyone.

This formula for improvement is available to you. If you keep at it, you get better.

Think about it. Better still, do something about it!


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