Anyone who thinks they’ve got the election won better beware. Anything can happen in Game 7 or an Election Day.
“It is surely a great calamity for a human being to have no obsessions,” said American poet Robert Bly.
Just as everyone has different levels of physical skill, so it is with mental skills like confidence and focus. You can’t use a one-size-fits-all approach to mental training.
You can have the best plan and the most skill, but if you lack this one ingredient, you’ll never win.
Even if you’re not a golf fan, you can get better at whatever you do by watching the U.S. Open.
Legend (or fact) has it that Albert Einstein stumbled on the Theory of Relativity when he spied the clock in a public square. Actually, “stumbling” is the wrong word. If Einstein had not been thinking about mysteries of the universe, seeing the clock would not have meant anything to him. But Einstein had a deep […]
Alfred Hitchcock turned bad luck into genius. Born on Friday the 13th, “The Master of Suspense” channeled his childhood experiences into masterpieces of the silver screen. He found positives in what most people see as negatives. “Luck is everything,” Hitchcock said. “My good luck in life was to be a really frightened person. I’m fortunate […]
John Wooden, who coached UCLA to 10 NCAA basketball titles, used one secret. Make his secret your secret and you can do the impossible.
This article from US News sheds some light on what motivates children and adolescents. It compares and contrasts pupils in the United States and China. It says that up to a certain age, pupils in both countries are motivated by a desire to please their parents. Then things change. As they move into adolescence, according […]
Yesterday we spoke about attitudes. Winners have a winning attitude. But what exactly does that mean? Years ago, Dr. Ron Gilbert, a sports psychology professor at Montclair State University in northern New Jersey, invited me to attend his classes. His message on Day One tells you all you need to know about becoming a winner. […]