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Coaching Tips

A Habit That Will Change Your Destiny

It’s not every day that a story lives up to the headline. In this case it does. This article is called “The Most Powerful Habit You Can Imagine,” and if you read it and try to live it, your life will change.

This habit involves saying just one sentence: “Be generous and expert, trustworthy and clear, open-minded and adaptable, persistent and present.”

Author Bruce Kasanoff explains the first quality. “Generous means to start every personal interaction with three words in your head: Help this person.”

Service to others. Coaching legend John Wooden believed in it, preached it, and lived it.

All the other qualities listed by Kasanoff relate to the first.

Kasanoff concludes, “If you can remember and live by this sentence, you can achieve anything you set your mind to do. Anything.”


One comment for “A Habit That Will Change Your Destiny”

  1. Great post, Coach Tully. I thoroughly enjoy spending my time scrolling through your website, really soaking in your ideas. With states just around the corner, it has really helped motivate me, but more importantly, motivate my team by pushing them during practice to play their best. But I do have to admit, I would really love to see more videos on youtube! I’ve been waiting four years for a new video!

    Hope all is well ;]
    Ellen Kim, Paramus

    Posted by Ellen Kim | November 9, 2013, 3:46 am

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