Want to improve?
Whether it’s sports, school or business, there’s one simple thing that will help you.
Get up earlier in the morning.
Early rising gets you active, not passive. It gives you more time for important things, especially breakfast. Most of all, getting up early sets a tone. It gives you a victory first thing in the morning, paving the way for more success.
Here’s an article by TV personality Julia Boorstin. It’s called “Why I Wake Up Early and 3 Reasons You Should Too.”
First on Boorstin’s list is “Play offense, not defense.” She writes, “Get a head start on your ‘to-do list’ to ensure you can accomplish your goals before you’re pulled in a million directions.”
Another piece lays out “5 Things Successful People Do Before Breakfast.” Among them is setting a mentality.
“Whether you choose to do so by listening to inspirational audio books or visualizing the day ahead, setting a mentality is an important part of a successful person’s day,” it says. “Visualizing the day ahead can prepare your mind for the tasks and challenges of the day.”
Perhaps the chief benefit of waking up earlier is that it will begin to restructure your life. To get up earlier, you must retire earlier. Is that late-night TV program really that valuable?
Chances are it’s not as valuable as winning more.
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