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Life Lessons

Your Strategic Plan

Yesterday one of our graduated players came into the gym to say goodbye before heading off to college. By now she has probably spent her first night there.

As she left the gym, I suggested she write herself a letter. In it she would describe her feelings on the eve of this adventure. Then she would pack away the letter, and someday present it to her grandchildren as part of a family history.

I wish I had added one more point. By making a copy of the letter, and reviewing it one year from now, she would have a powerful tool for her growth.

In business they might call it a strategic plan. And anyone can develop one. It would include the following points:

Where am I in my life right now? Do I like my life? Do I feel like it is on a great course?
What must I work on? What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses?
What do I want to accomplish? Where do I want to be six months, one year, five years from now?

With the daily pace, most people don’t even have time to run their basic errands. I find myself forgetting things all the time. Some sort of written statement — a letter to yourself, a strategic plan — can keep you focused on what is important.


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