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Beating the Odds

Making Greatness Manageable

When you eat your Thanksgiving feast later this week, think of the words of chef Thomas Keller: “One of the great things about cooking is that no single task is particularly difficult.”

Keller’s words, which appeared a profile in Esquire Magazine, carry deep meaning for anyone who wants to become great.

If Keller can create a culinary masterpiece without any one step being particularly difficult, think of what that means to a coach or an athlete. You can break down any task into simple steps, none of which are difficult.

For instance, the thought of training for the Olympics can seem daunting, but going out today and having a good practice is manageable. Getting in shape for a marathon can be overwhelming, but you can run today.

Did you ever hear this question: “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is “One bite at a time.”

No matter how big the task, you can break it up into manageable pieces. And chances are that no matter how complex the task my seem, it likely involves doing small, simple steps in an extraordinary way.

In Keller’s case, even though his little tasks my not be particularly difficult, you can bet that he goes about them with full care and full attention to detail.

If you go about things the same way, you have a chance to be to your field what Keller is to his.


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