Sometimes it takes a while for the real message to sink in. That is certainly true about something I heard at a baseball clinic in Georgia a few weeks ago. The speaker was discussing the challenge of playing the outfield. He said that even though there might be only one or two balls hit your […]
What if you could spend a few minutes with some of the best executives in the world? What questions would you ask? This article lets you spend that time. Take a few moments to see what advice these top leaders would give you if they had the chance. You don’t even have to get on […]
An old sports writer friend once told a story about Moe Berg, a one-of-a-kind ballplayer who read 10 newspapers a day and happened to be an atomic spy for the United States. Berg was a mediocre batter, but he did speak seven languages, prompting Dave Harris, an outfielder for the Washington Senators, to say, “Yeah, […]
Count me out of March Madness. I think of it as March Sadness. People on Facebook have been asking me to join pools and fill out brackets when the time comes, but it’s very hard for me to get worked up over a system that is based on corruption. Don’t get me wrong. I admire […]
It’s said that power corrupts. Well, it does worse than that. According to a study reported in Forbes magazine, power can make you stupid. (No jokes about Washington, please.) Four researchers, intrigued by issues like BP’s oil rig disaster, joined to learn whether overconfident people are drawn to power, or whether power itself creates their […]
All of life is choice. Your decisions make your destiny. That’s why a classroom demonstration left me speechless yesterday, barely able to process what I had just seen. Dr. Rob Gilbert, professor at Montclair State University in Northern New Jersey, opened his sports psychology class with an offer. He pulled a $20 bill from his […]
Former LSU baseball coach Skip Bertman once did a video called “Winning the Big One.” In it, Bertman spoke of the daily, constant, relentless effort to improve. I’m not sure if Yankees Manager Joe Girardi has seen the video, but his drive to improve has brought a motivational gem to the clubhouse. As related in […]
“Think left, think right and think low and think high oh the things you can think if only you try.” The quotes comes from Dr. Seuss, was born on this date in 1904. Dr. Seuss, whose real name was Theodor Seuss Geisel, has entertained generations of children (and adults) with nonsense rhymes that actually make […]
Swamped with a book deadline, I won’t be writing much today or for the rest of the week. I’ll try to send something each day. My friend Carl McGown came through bigtime, sending this gem of a link on how well the NFL combine can predict how much success a college player will have in […]
Sacha Baron Cohen did more than pull the prank of the night at last night’s Oscars. By dumping the supposed ashes of North Korea’s Kim Jong Il all over Ryan Seacrest, Cohen gave us all a peek into where greatness comes from — outside the comfort zone. “The skills and actions you need to be […]