On the day that Yankee Stadium opened, Babe Ruth summed up his style with one sentence. “I’d give a year of my life,” he said, “if I could hit a home run on Opening Day of this great new park.” He did. No one knows if that one home run cost him a year of […]
Years after his retirement, Hall of Fame baseball player Ty Cobb attended an Old Timers’ Day celebration at Yankee Stadium. A reporter approached Cobb and asked him, “If you were playing in the modern era, what do you suppose your batting average would be?” Cobb replied, “About .300.” “Only .300?” said the startled reporter. “You […]
Yesterday was Mickey Mantle’s birthday. He would have been 79. Mantle, the glamorous power hitting centerfielder for the Yankees during the 1950s and early 1960s, remains my favorite ballplayer of all time. Despite his power, speed and skill, Mantle never played the role of superstar in the clubhouse. He made a deep impression on his […]
In 1960, we got tickets to see the Yankees and Red Sox play in a Labor Day double-header. We sat a few rows behind the dugout in Yankee Stadium. Before the game someone arranged for us to go down to the railing and shake hands with Ted Williams. We were Yankee fans and so it […]
This happened years ago on Old Timers Day at Yankee Stadium, and Hall of Fame player Ty Cobb was being interviewed by a sports writer. “Ty,” the scribe wanted to know, “what do you suppose your batting average would be if you played in this era?” “About three-hundred,” Cobb replied. “Three-hundred,” the writer exclaimed.”Why so […]
Many thanks to David DeNotaris for inspiring today’s message. David offers a daily motivational hotline, called “Do You Have a Minute?” It’s at (206) 888-8121, and earlier this week it contained this quote: “No one ever built a monument to a critic.” What’s the difference between a critic and a coach? A critic is someone […]