Do you want to be a great coach? Athlete? Entrepreneur? No matter what you’d love to do, you must rely either on nature (innate talent) or nurture (skill acquired through practice and feedback). The question is, which one? For baseball Hall of Famer Ty Cobb, there was no doubt. His opinion — and Cobb had […]
If Rogers Hornsby were alive today, he would be celebrating the start of spring training. Hornsby, a Hall of Famer and owner of the second-highest batting average in big-league history behind Ty Cobb, would be right there in Florida and Arizona, even though, technically, only pitchers and catchers must be there this early. At this […]
Years after his retirement, Hall of Fame baseball player Ty Cobb attended an Old Timers’ Day celebration at Yankee Stadium. A reporter approached Cobb and asked him, “If you were playing in the modern era, what do you suppose your batting average would be?” Cobb replied, “About .300.” “Only .300?” said the startled reporter. “You […]
This happened years ago on Old Timers Day at Yankee Stadium, and Hall of Fame player Ty Cobb was being interviewed by a sports writer. “Ty,” the scribe wanted to know, “what do you suppose your batting average would be if you played in this era?” “About three-hundred,” Cobb replied. “Three-hundred,” the writer exclaimed.”Why so […]
“Golf is a game that is played on a five-inch course — the distance between your ears.” ~ Bobby Jones Today marks the eve of the Masters golf tournament, the day when the players go through the ritual of the par-3 competition. And here’s where you’re likely to see lots of superstition: Since no one […]
Great performers practice in extraordinary ways. For instance, every baseball player gets into a hitting slump now and then. Most players respond by taking more batting practice. But few approach the problem the way Hall of Famer Ty Cobb did. Cobb knew that whenever he started to hit poorly, he had to go back to […]