Yesterday we spoke about attitudes. Winners have a winning attitude. But what exactly does that mean? Years ago, Dr. Ron Gilbert, a sports psychology professor at Montclair State University in northern New Jersey, invited me to attend his classes. His message on Day One tells you all you need to know about becoming a winner. […]
You know the old saying, “You’re known by the company you keep.” It’s only partially true. What’s closer to the truth is: “You’re DEFINED by the company you keep.” There is another saying: “You are the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time.” For instance, if you hang around a […]
The people who signed the Declaration of Independence risked everything. If the Americans had lost the war, those who led the insurrection would have lost property and, probably, life. Risking life and death also emerged as a theme during the holiday “Twilight Zone” marathon. In one of the episodes, a deceased pool player comes back […]
Thomas Jefferson, one of the most successful people in the history of the country, was a master of time management. You, too, can have success by getting the most out of your practice time.
Suppose you could hire an official team composer to write motivational and inspirational songs for your team. Who would it be? You certainly couldn’t go wrong with Richard Rodgers, who was born 107 years ago today. His collaborations include “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning,” “Climb Every Mountain” and “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” Of course, you […]
Yesterday I wrote about a summer reading list for student-athletes. Here are a couple of questions: First, why a summer reading list at all? Second, why only one book? As to why you have a summer reading list at all, students take a vacation from school, but they should never take one from growth. No […]