Now that we know that Jordan Spieth can play, we will find out if he can learn. Early signs are good. “Saturday and Sunday, there were definitely nerves throughout the rounds, but that’s just going to happen,” Spieth said, reflecting on the last two days of the Masters. “The most important thing is channeling that […]
If you compete, at the end of the day you will have one of two things: results or reasons. You will either have produced something, or you will have an excuse as to why not. Furthermore, at the end of the day you will be known by one of those two things: results or reasons. […]
In just one day, the Winter Olympics have given us breath-taking glimpses into the mental game, from snowboarder Jessika Jenson’s reframing to single skater Jeremy Abbott’s defeated body language. Abbott fell on his first jump in the team competition, finished seventh, and put his head between his knees and covered it with his hands. Jenson […]
“To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist.” — Gail Sheehy Three stories merge into a single theme today. The first involves Angel Cabrera’s grueling victory in the Masters yesterday. Next comes the birthday of chess champion Gary Kasparov. Finally there is a play in last night’s Chicago-Milwaukee game in which […]