Sometimes a rule is more than a rule. The Boston Red Sox have banned beer in their clubhouse this year, and the edict reminds them that they have only one job: to win games. That’s something they neglected to do at the end of last year, when the team went missed the playoffs in what […]
It’s rare in this world where someone takes the responsibility instead of trying to fix blame. Former Boston Red Sox Manager Terry Francona admits that things had begun slipping long before the team’s September collapse. In this interview you get a glimpse into how thoughtful and passionate Francona is. No wonder he was able to […]
If you’ve never heard of Randy Pausch, you can learn about him — and about life — in this video. But this clip is not meant to be viewed by you alone; it’s meant to be shared with your team, your teammates, your fellow coaches, anyone who needs a reminder about how precious life is. […]
This week I have been shuttling between my own camp and others in the area. At Scott Illiano’s fine baseball camp at West Essex High School in Fairfield, N.J., I learned about two areas that Boston Red Sox manager Terry Francona emphasizes in his work. First, attention to detail. Second, managing frustration. Let’s talk about […]