A quote by the famous first lady may give you important interview questions.
Legend (or fact) has it that Albert Einstein stumbled on the Theory of Relativity when he spied the clock in a public square. Actually, “stumbling” is the wrong word. If Einstein had not been thinking about mysteries of the universe, seeing the clock would not have meant anything to him. But Einstein had a deep […]
Genius is accessible to anyone. It’s nothing more than asking the right question and spending the rest of your life trying to find the answer.
There are four kinds of people. As you go down the list, see which one fits you best. The first kind are the problem-avoiders. They show up late for work, go home early, and surf the Web while there. The second kind is problem-copers. They come in and leave on time. They do what’s required, […]
“Honesty is the best policy,” George Washington once wrote. Too bad he can’t be in the gym when it’s time to make cuts. Sometimes coaches must be brutally honest with those whom they lead, and no one I know likes this part of the business. Whether you have to cut players, send them to the […]
“If you have only two pennies left in the world, with the first penny, you should buy rice to feed your family. With the second penny, say the wise Japanese, you should buy a lily. The Japanese understand the importance of dreaming.” We all love to dream. But we also need to make a living. […]
Where does success begin? Last summer, Forbes published an article titled “Billionaires’ First Jobs.” It carries strong lessons for all coaches: It’s not where you begin, but where you finish; it’s what you do in your current circumstances that matters most; and success requires action. Patrick McGovern, founder of International Data Group, lists what he […]