Somebody once told me that if you knew the secret to how magicians do their tricks, you would never watch magic again. It’s that boring. For instance, when a girl turns into a tiger, it’s just a simple switch with a trap door. See? Boring. The same is true with goaltending in the National Hockey […]
Three items today. First is the beautiful simplicity of beating the competition. Sports psychologist Dr. Rob Gilbert came to our gym yesterday and told our team about the crucial moment: “When you’re tired and frustrated is where it begins. Because that’s when others quit.” Right there Dr. Gilbert has explained the difference between winners and […]
“Forget perfect on the first try. In the face of frustration, your best tool is a few deep breaths, and remembering that you can do anything once you’ve practiced two hundred times. Seriously.” — Andrea Buchanan, author, the Daring Book for Girls Do you have to lose in order to learn how to win? That’s […]