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Scott Illiano

This tag is associated with 3 posts

How Committed Are You?

Take a moment to look around your life. At your job, who is the most committed person, who is the least and where do you fall on this line? Same question for your family, your team, your school, you name it. How committed are you? One day a chicken ran around the barnyard, telling all […]

What Steve Jobs Can Teach Everyone

Steve Jobs famously wore the same outfit every day because he didn’t want to devote any brain power to the choice of clothing. His reason was simple. Thinking about clothes was simply not important to him. In no way was it a priority. No matter what your wardrobe looks like, you can use Jobs’ example […]

How One Sneaker Changed a Coach’s Life

What does the first day of winter mean to you? Some people think of the long, difficult slog until spring. Others rejoice that the days begin getting longer. For some, winter means ski season. For others, a countdown to baseball’s Opening Day. In other words, it’s up to you. Peak performance coach Dave Cross of […]