Think about something you’d love to win: a championship, a job, etc. Now that you’ve thought of it, stop thinking about winning and start doing. This advice comes from Dr. Rob Bell in an article titled “How To Focus on the Process of Winning.” And here’s a tip of the hat to ex-NHL player Warren […]
“With Jeter there are no surprises,” says my friend and co-author Dr. Rob Gilbert, a professor of sport psychology at Montclair State University. “He’s like a restaurant chain. You can go anywhere in the world and get the same thing. He’s never made an error off the field. He’s made some on the field, but never off.”
My friend, mentor and co-author Rob Gilbert is being honored by his school today. Gilbert, a professor of sport psychology at Montclair State University, is receiving the Outstanding Education Practices Award. Gilbert’s life and teaching come down to four words: It is about others. He would rather hear your story than tell his. He’ll talk […]
Too often, silly laziness winds up costing me time, effort and even money. Yesterday I was home looking for a pen. I checked the drawer, but saw only a pile of old crayons, markers and pencils. After moving one or two of them without finding anything, I wandered around the house in a futile search. […]
All of life is choice. Your decisions make your destiny. That’s why a classroom demonstration left me speechless yesterday, barely able to process what I had just seen. Dr. Rob Gilbert, professor at Montclair State University in Northern New Jersey, opened his sports psychology class with an offer. He pulled a $20 bill from his […]
If nothing changes, then nothing changes. This goes for your sport, your studies, or your business. If things keep turning out short of what you want, then you must change something. It happened to me recently. A doctor told me, basically, to change my diet or die. Those were the only two choices. But how […]
“Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great.” ~ Orison Sweet Marden You’ve probably heard the expression, “I was in the right place at the right time.” People talk about being in the right place at the right time as if it’s a happy accident, but that’s hardly the case. In fact, you […]
“Even in such technical lines as engineering, about 15% of one’s financial success is due one’s technical knowledge and about 85% is due to skill in human engineering, to personality and the ability to lead people.” — Dale Carnegie How much of life is skill and how much is something else? It’s an important question […]
“Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.” — Peter Marshall So many people say they can’t. The truth is that they just won’t. The following is a true story. Ed Agresta is a motivational speaker in New Jersey, and one day he was invited to speak to a sports psychology class at […]
“Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass… it’s about learning how to dance in the rain!” — quoted by Ed Smith Renowned sports psychologist Dr. Rob Gilbert hosted a remarkable speaker in his class yesterday at Montclair State University in northern New Jersey. Paul Reddick told the story of his rise from […]