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Mark Twain

This tag is associated with 8 posts

Perry Mason, Baseball Umpires, and You

You can pursue certainly all you want. But it’s better to create quality.

Does What You Are Doing Matter?

Sometimes cause and effect are not what they seem. If you want to improve, it’s important to know the difference.

Circus Impossible

Genius is seeing what everyone else thinks and thinking what no one else does. That can be you.

Impossible in Space

If you read the papers, you’ve probably seen a list of corrections. Most of them clear up errors made the previous day. Not many corrections, therefore, match the one offered by the New York Times in July of 1969. It referred to a story that appeared 49 years earlier. That story had declared “absurd” the […]

Why Jeremy Lin Is a Coach’s Nightmare

Jeremy Lin has become a dream for the NBA and the New York Knicks, but he’s a nightmare for coaches. That’s because Lin and his performance with the Knicks force all of us to wonder what we may be overlooking on our own team. Since joining the Knicks, Lin has brought skill and energy to […]

Do You Talk Too Much?

Today marks the birthday of William Henry Harrison, ninth president of the United States. He came into this world in 1773, the last president to be born before the Declaration of Independence. Few things about Harrison’s life can rival the facts about his death. He served only 32 days, the shortest tenure of any president. […]

Charles Dickens and Your Future

Charles Dickens, author of several literary classics, was born 200 years ago today. But it’s not his classics that should concern us, especially since Mark Twain once defined a classic as “something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.” Instead, Dickens influenced us not  just in the books that he wrote, […]

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

Yesterday at the Gold Medal Squared coaching clinic, we received a sobering lesson in statistics. Why sobering? Because the talk reminded us that in trying to measure any performance, we face two challenges: First, we must measure the right thing. Second, we must measure the right thing in the right way. It brings to mind […]