The movie “Moonshot” chronicles the first moon landing and the preparation that went into it. In one scene, astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong emerge from the flight simulator after a series of failed landings. Later, in their quarters, Aldrin is mad at Armstrong, wondering why he ignored instructions and crashed the lander. In contrast […]
Hollywood’s version of “True Grit” came out in 1969 and starred John Wayne. You can remake this movie today, put yourself in the starring role, and have it run in your home every day. A recent article in the Boston Globe takes a look at success and concludes that it comes from something it calls […]
Last night my friend, Dr. Rob Gilbert, made a bit of a pilgrimage. He went to nearby Montclair, N.J., to walk past the childhood home of astronaut Buzz Aldrin. On the 40th anniversary of the day man first walked on the moon, Dr. Gilbert, a sports psychologist, stared at Aldrin’s home. “To look at the […]
The trip to the moon brings so many lessons that you could talk about one aspect every day before practice, and still have some left over when the season ends. Today let’s talk about one that has particular relevance to sports — rivalries. Great rivals bring out the best. In the 1960s, the United States […]