Jackie Robinson, born 98 years ago today, proved you don’t need to fly or wear a cape to be a hero.
This weekend big-league baseball is marking the anniversary of Jackie Robinson’s debut. All players are wearing Robinson’s No. 42 to honor the man who broke the color line on April 15, 1947, for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Robinson helped change the world back then. But as a coach I wonder what he can change today. What […]
Duke Snider’s recent passing brought some memories from New York Post columnist Peter Vecsey. Snider, a Hall of Famer who died last month at age 84, was playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers when Vecsey, then in seventh or eighth grade, went to a game. You can read the details here, but the short version is […]
Oops! I usually notice Oct. 3, the anniversary of the day Bobby Thomson hit baseball’s most famous home run. But yesterday it slipped by without notice, and today is a good day to revisit the event, especially with two baseball teams playing for their lives today, just as the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants […]
Inspiration comes from the oddest of places. Yesterday our practice was flat and unproductive. I thought I had all the people in the right places, but nothing worked. Then last night (it was difficult to sleep) the words of Sherlock Holmes came to me. He said, “When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter […]
Jack Nicklaus finished second more often than any other player in the history of men’s major golf tournaments. This made him a winner. How? Finishing second 19 times means that on 19 occasions, Nicklaus put himself into position to finish first. It didn’t happen. But it COULD have. On 18 other occasions, Nicklaus put himself […]
Today marks an astonishing anniversary in baseball history. On this date in 1951, the New York Giants lost a game, and fell 13 games behind the Brooklyn Dodgers with only seven weeks to go in the season. In baseball, being 13 games behind with only seven weeks to play usually means only one thing: Wait til […]