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How to Win

What Brett Favre Can Teach Sports Parents

Even in winning a Super Bowl, Brett Favre never made a better call than the one he made in watching his daughter play college volleyball.

“I try not to be one of those parents,” the famed Green Bay Packers quarterback said recently while watching a match in which his daughter, Breleigh, did not get off the bench. “I’m not a yeller. I just watch. If she gets in, she gets in and we try to support her as much as we can.”

Breleigh, a freshman, has played in only nine of Southern Miss’s first 54 sets. If she’s looking for more time, her dad knows where she can begin.

“Whether I think she should play more or not, it isn’t my decision,” Brett Favre said. “I just try to tell her that every day in practice you make it impossible for them to not play you. It really falls on you. If you’re impossible to stop in practice and you’re blocking everything they hit, she’s (the coach) a fool for not playing you.”

It really falls on you. That’s the message for any parent. Teach your child that success happens within the self.

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To get better at anything, check out “The Improvement Factor: How Winners Turn Practice into Success.”

Do you coach females? Are you a female athlete, or the parent of one? Here’s “Was It Something I Said? A Guide to Coaching Female Athletes” by Vanessa Sullivan and Mike Tully

Need some motivation? Everyone needs it now and then. Open any page of “Thank God You’re Lazy! The Instant Cure for What’s Holding You Back” by Dr. Rob Gilbert and Mike Tully.

Are you a teacher, boss or sports coach? Here’s “Ten Things Great Coaches Know” by Mike Tully and Gary Pritchard.

Want to have your best basketball season ever? Here’s “Basketball: What Great Players Know that You Don’t Know,” by Mike Tully and Gio Grassi.


One comment for “What Brett Favre Can Teach Sports Parents”

  1. Good to hear about Brett Favre’s hands-off approach in an age when parents of adult millennials are known to call their supervisors to complain about the way their kids are being treated at the office.

    Posted by RR | September 20, 2017, 7:38 am

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