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Beating the Odds

Impossible Cookies

Anyone who’s ever sold Girl Scout cookies knows the usual formula: Sell to family and friends, and maybe to some neighbors.

Not Katie Francis. She started out by aiming for a world record, beat it, then kept raising her goals.

That approach helped Katie, who was in sixth grade at the time, sell what you’d think was the impossible total of 21,477 boxes of cookies.

“There are three ingredients to my sell,” Katie said, being interviewed by Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Fox and Friends. “Time, commitment and asking everybody I see.”

Today marks Day 5 of our 17-day series on How to Do the Impossible. I’m blogging here at TotalGamePlan.com and Dr. Rob Gilbert is delivering his take on the impossible on his Success Hotline at (973) 743-4690.

“On the weekdays I would spend about seven hours (each day),” Katie said, explaining her time commitment. “And on weekends I would spend 11-, 12- and 13-hour days.”

Katie began by dreaming big.

“I actually decided last year I wanted to beat the world record and at the beginning of the sale my goal was 18,100,” Katie said. “But when I got to that goal I raised it to 20,000, and then when I got to that I went on to 21,000.”

In case you’re wondering, the sales weren’t automatic, not even for a Girl Scout.

“A lot of people said no,” Katie said. “And I just smiled and said thank you and moved on.”

“You just can’t ‘no’ personally,” Katie said.

Katie did the seemingly impossible by setting big goals, putting in the time, and never taking rejection personally.

You can do the same on your journey to the impossible.

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Are you a teachers, boss or sports coach? Here’s “Ten Things Great Coaches Know” by Mike Tully and Gary Pritchard.


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