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Beating the Odds

How Committed Are You?

Take a moment to look around your life.

At your job, who is the most committed person, who is the least and where do you fall on this line?

Same question for your family, your team, your school, you name it.

How committed are you?

One day a chicken ran around the barnyard, telling all the animals that they were going to have bacon and eggs for breakfast.

Everyone seemed excited except the pig. When asked why he was able to contain his enthusiasm, the pig told the chicken, “For you, bacon and eggs is a donation. For me, it’s a total commitment.”

Blogger Scott Illiano examines commitment with a post on the role of uniform No. 18 in the LSU football program.

Illiano, a top high school baseball coach in New Jersey, is also author of “Our Time: A High School Baseball Coach’s Journey.”

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Would you like to improve at what you do? “The Improvement Factor: How Winners Turn Practice into Success” can show you how! Are you a coach? “Ten Things Great Coaches Know” can make you a better one. Looking for motivation? Read “Thank God You’re Lazy!: The Instant Cure for What’s Holding You Back.”


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