Mike Piazza hit 427 home runs in his career, but few of them had the impact of the one he hit shortly after 9/11. It helped the Mets beat the Atlanta Braves, and pointed the city toward the healing process after the terror attacks.
Now, after the earthquake and tsunami , and still in a nuclear crisis, Japan is debating what to do about its upcoming baseball season. As detailed in this New York Times article, some people say that baseball is needed more than ever, while others say it’s too soon.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt famously urged baseball to stay active during World War II, citing its role in national morale.
But the National Football League received criticism for its decision to play only two days after the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
The very fact that these questions are debated just underlines what a large role sports play in society. And it helps explain how disappointing it becomes when sports icons misbehave and let down their fans.
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