Three items today.
First is the beautiful simplicity of beating the competition. Sports psychologist Dr. Rob Gilbert came to our gym yesterday and told our team about the crucial moment:
“When you’re tired and frustrated is where it begins. Because that’s when others quit.”
Right there Dr. Gilbert has explained the difference between winners and others. For most people, the process ENDS when they’re frustrated and tired. For winners, the process BEGINS at that moment.
Second, I am reading “The Talent Code” by Daniel Doyle, a New York Times bestseller. The subtitle is “Greatness Isn’t Born. It’s Grown. Here’s How.”
The author focuses on practice, motivation and coaching, with powerful stories to illustrate the points. After reading the first three pages of the introduction I want my entire team and every coach I know to read it.
Third, so far in the Stanley Cup and NBA finals there have been nine games played, and all have been won by the home team. What makes the home-field advantage so powerful, and how can the answers help us to be better coaches and athletes?
If anyone has any ideas on home-field advantage, send a comment.
I believe the home court advantage has to do with feeling comfortable in your the professional level, many more factors go into making the athlete feel comfortable. Such things might include being able to sleep in ones own bed, seeing family, eating a pregame meal, seeing the same “lucky usher” and things like that.. These all lead up to feeling really relaxed and comfortable as the athelete starts the contest.. This level of comfort enables the athlete to play “in the flow”. At the college level some of these things also exit. However, I believe the visiting team experiences greater discomfort playing in an away contest. Playing a basketball at Duke puts an uncomfortable feeling on the opposing players. Thus, making it hard to get into the comfort zone. College fans tend to get on the opponent more than they cheer for their team. Thus affecting the opposing players and mayne taking them out of their “comfort zone”.In high school, teams playing at home can get in some extra practice before the opponent arrives.. The visitors usually travel on a bus and might be a little “tight” a the start of the contest…
Thus, the home court advantage is much more than the court or field that you play on.. It is the comfortable feeling of being “home”.
Home field advantage is an interesting thing, isn’t it. Most people would say it has something to do with the fans cheering the home team on when they need a boost. I think it’s more fundamental than that. Great play requires focus. When you’re on your home turf their are no distracting unfamiliarities. When you’re away, everything is microscopically different — the smell of the air, the color of the bleachers, even the texture of the towels. The sum of all these seemingly inconsequential differences form an invisible but powerful barrier between you and your normal concentration. Simply being aware of this can often be the game changer.