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How to Win

Inspiration and Motivation

Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity.” ~ Bo Bennett

Who would have thought that rock bands and coaches are in the same business?

But they certainly are. Their job involves creating energy and joy. And inspiring — and managing — emotions.

This comes to mind because last night, I was up late at a concert. Watching the energy in the parking lot before the show, and then hearing the music and the cheers during the performance, made me think of … coaching.

One of my colleagues at school is a man who is retired from the rock music business. Over his career he managed some of the top bands, and he observed them during their shows. He says there is definitely a pattern to the concerts he has seen.

The band, of course, wants to start out strong. At a certain point, in order to avoid burning out the audience, the musicians scale it back until finally finishing with a flourish.

That sounds a lot like the way a coach should handle a season. You need a strong start and a strong finish, but in between you must manage the emotions to keep the athletes fresh and strong.

That’s where humor, motivation and creativity come in. A good coach keeps his/her practices fresh and fun. Coaches who pound away on drills and conditioning can leave their athletes tired and bored. Then the learning and the improvement stop.

The more you coach, the more your realize it’s not about the drills. It’s about making sure the athletes want to come to practice. It’s about challenging them.

You thought you were just a coach? It’s time to act like a rock star!


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