Second item:
A news report says that the Justice Department is investigating whether former big-league pitcher Roger Clemens lied under oath to Congress in a hearing on performance-enhancing drugs.
Without making any judgment as to innocence or guilt in the case of Clemens, we can safely say that steroids have tainted today’s sports landscape. Athletes all the way from the pros to the interscholastic level have taken performance-enhancing drugs.
What bothers me most about this is that it reflects a persistent belief among people that they are not good enough the way they are.
Too many people go through life in the “If only” syndrome. They say, “If only I were stronger,” or, “If only I were bigger.”
Every moment spent wishing you were something else is a moment that could be spent becoming great.
Most games in life are games of skill. That means hours of practice, and not any particular size or shape, is what will lead to success. Even weightlifting and football, sports that would seem to rely only on power, require skill.
So the pursuit of shortcuts to size and strength – especially at the expense of health — is all the more of a shame.
You can email Coach Mike Tully at
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