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Old Timers Day

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Set Yourself on Fire

Years after his retirement, Hall of Fame baseball player Ty Cobb attended an Old Timers’ Day celebration at Yankee Stadium. A reporter approached Cobb and asked him, “If you were playing in the modern era, what do you suppose your batting average would be?” Cobb replied, “About .300.” “Only .300?” said the startled reporter. “You […]

Playing with Passion

This happened years ago on Old Timers Day at Yankee Stadium, and Hall of Fame player Ty Cobb was being interviewed by a sports writer. “Ty,” the scribe wanted to know, “what do you suppose your batting average would be if you played in this era?” “About three-hundred,” Cobb replied. “Three-hundred,” the writer exclaimed.”Why so […]