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Joe Torre

This tag is associated with 5 posts

Joe Torre’s Formula for Success

Joe Torre reached the Hall of Fame in his field the same way you can get to the top in yours. He did it by knowing the biggest problem he had to solve. In Torre’s case it was George Steinbrenner, who hired him to manage the New York Yankees but who had a habit of […]

Advice from Joe Torre

Excuse the short post, but I saw this item on Twitter and wanted to get it to you quickly. It’s former Yankees Manager Joe Torre giving his top six rules for managing players. Any advice from Torre should be accepted eagerly. Even though he won multiple World Series with the Yankees, his biggest achievement was […]

Great Players, Failed Coaches

Diego Maradona’s ouster as Argentina’s soccer coach renews the debate over great players and their potential to be great coaches. As this Sports Illustrated article points out, Maradona’s recent experience as a World Cup coach ended far less successfully than his stint as World Cup player. And so it is with many athletes. So often […]

Inspiring Greatness in Others

Team-building guru Gary Pritchard has sent a gem of a quote: “Ask for greatness in yourself first…then you can ask for it in others.” It’s beautifully inspiring and thought-provoking, and goes well with yesterday’s theme, which was role models.

Positive Role Models

Now that Phil Jackson has coached his NBA record 10th championship, some people are calling him the greatest coach in league history.

The Positive Coaching Alliance is calling him something else — a great role model.