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Beating the Odds

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

“Think left, think right
and think low and think high
oh the things you can think
if only you try.”

The quotes comes from Dr. Seuss, was born on this date in 1904.

Dr. Seuss, whose real name was Theodor Seuss Geisel, has entertained generations of children (and adults) with nonsense rhymes that actually make a lot of sense. The Dr. Seuss film “The Lorax” opens today.

Like all achievers, Dr. Seuss proved that love will find a way. He loved writing for the Dartmouth humor magazine, but when he was caught drinking in his room, he was told he could not take part in any extra-curricular activities, including the humor magazine.

Geisel got around the ban by writing under the name Dr. Seuss, and the rest is history. In other words, when you find something you love to do, do it and find a way to keep doing it!

This advice makes all the more sense to me because this week I allowed myself to get sidetracked into a project I did not love. It involved doing research for an author, and soon the crazy pace kept me from doing everything I love: coaching, blogging, tweeting. It was affecting my health and my sleep.

After four days, I came to my senses, told the author that he was welcome to keep all the work I had done, but that I wouldn’t be doing anything else for him.

Now I’m back doing what I love, with more appreciation for what I love.

“You have a brain in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you chose.
You’re on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.”

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