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Attitude Wins

If your team is like most teams, it will win a few and lose a few. The secret of being successful is winning the tossup games.

What are tossup games? Those are games in which the teams show equal skill and preparation. The score will depend on which team wants it the most.

Ron Darling, former major-league player and now an analyst for New York Mets telecasts, discussed it yesterday in the first game of a double-header. The topic was what a long day it was going to be.

Because of a rainout the previous night, the teams had to play two games in one day — one around noon, and then another one in the evening. That meant a lot of hours spent at the ballpark.

And Darling made this point: On days like that, attitude means everything. The team that can see the bright side owns an advantage over the team that dwells on the inconvenience and the difficulty.

As things turned out, each team won a game and lost a game. But Darling’s message remains a good one. Will beats skill!


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